The best option for metering usage is the multi-circuit power monitoring device, or DIRIS Digiware.
Measuring and keeping an eye on the electrical energy quality for use in commercial and industrial settings.
Precision according to IEC 61557-12 standard (Class 0.5).
Implementation in 25% less time than current metering technologies.
Installing current sensors and measuring modules where the load is closest to the source.
Has independent current inputs that allow it to monitor several circuits with a single current measuring module.
Small and adaptable design: ideal for both new and old installations, even panels with limited room.
DIRIS Digiware S - Modules for measuring current:
With three integrated current sensors, DIRIS Digiware S is a power metering and monitoring solution that can measure up to 63 A in one three-phase or three single-phase circuits.
Measurement units: ± kWh, ± kvarh, kVAh.
Able to be installed either downstream or upstream of the safety mechanism.
VirtualMonitor's advanced monitoring (position, travel, etc. without the need for an auxiliary).
Matching protective device pitches up to 63 A and resolving space-related problems.