X5 Prime Controller 4.3" with Improved Performance, 4 DC In, 4 DC Out, 4 Analog In (mA/V), WebMI License unlimited preloaded

ZAR 41,785.49
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  • Pre-loaded with WebMI License Unlimited.
  • The X5 Prime manages to fit a large image into a relatively compact body.
  • This 4.3" wide aspect screen is highly pleasant, transparent, and intuitive, with only a 4.6" by 3.5" cutout.
  • Our hidden soft key technology allows you to display your unique applications across the full screen.


  • To optimize the Horner OCS controller implementation process, we have chosen a simplified set of on-board I/O.
  • With four digital inputs, four digital outputs, and four analogue inputs, automating your business and applications is as easy as pressing a (virtual) button.


  • The X5 is setting the standard in terms of speed, resolution, and technical capabilities. In addition to creating a suite of capabilities like our more well-known XL product line, we have also created some completely new design methodologies and achieved exceptional acceptance in a wide range of commercial and industrial applications.
  • The X5 Prime is the best fixed I/O web-compatible controller available.
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Brand Horner
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